French health insurance


Health cover in France - A few definitions


Understanding The French System     l     Examples of Reimbursements

Hospitalization     l     Key Words     l     Usefull Phrases



Understanding The French System:


Unlike the English system, the French regime makes no difference between the public and private treatments
(the reimbursement rates are identical).
On the other-hand, the 'Sécurité Sociale' alone does not cover the entirety of your expenses.

First column represents the total cost of your medical treatment.

Second column shows the possible reimbursements:

Orange = reimbursable with minimum cover

Orange to Red = Only reimbursable with higher cover or not at all.

Third column indicates where the reimbursements could come from.

Click on each column to see their individual definitions:




French Regime definitions


Examples of reimbursement:


 SOFICAS clients benifit fully from the French system as we use French companies that know thier subject.

Automatic reimbursements using only your "Carte Vitale".

"Tiers Payant"
No money to be advanced at the chemist / lab / x-ray and more.

"Prise en charge"
Possible on demand even for Optical and Dentistry.

Hospitals stay expenses can be paid directly by your "Top-Up".
"Frais de séjours and chambre particulière"

Hospitalization / Hospitalisation:


The question of payment will come after your wellbeing 
If you are in an emergency situation, you will be taken care of regardless of your nationality, professional or financial situation. 
However, after this point or if you have a planned hospital stay you could be asked for a “PEC”.
This "PEC" enables the hospital or Clinique to claim amounts due for your treatments directly from your "Régime Obligatoire" and eventually your "TOP-UP".

If you are in France on holiday you may present your “EHIC”.
 You will be asked for your blood group card - "carte de groupe sanguin'".
 They will ask about allergies - "avez-vous des allergies?" or "êtes-vous allergique?".
 You will be asked for your med
ical history - "antécédents médicaux ou chirurgicaux".
 You will be asked about any medication you are taking – "Quel est votre traitement actuel / courant/ en cours?"
 They will ask about your diet – "Avez-vous un régime spécial?"  Without salt – "Sans sel"   Without sugar – "Sans sucre"   Gluten free – "Sans gluten"





Key Words:



Useful Phrases:


Aching Douloureux
Ambulance Ambulance
Anaesthetic Anesthésique
Anaesthetic Anesthésie
Ankle La cheville
Appendix L'appendice
Arm Le bras
Assistant nurse Aide soignante
Back Le dos
Back of the neck La nuque
Bedpan Un bassin
Bell / buzzer Sonnette
Bladder La vessie
Blood Le sang
Blood test Prise de sang
Blood test (results) Résultat sanguin, Bilan sanguin
Blood test to be taken fasting Prise de sang à jeun
Body Le corps
Bone L'os
Bottle Une bouteille
Bowels Les intestins
Brain Le cerveau
Breast Le sein
Bruise Un bleu /une contusion / un hématome
Burn une brûlure
Burning sensation Sensation de chaleur / douleur cuisante
Buttocks / bottom Les fesses
Calf Le mollet
Capsule Gélule
Car accident Accident de la route
Casualty / A&E Urgences
Change your dressing Faire votre pansement
Cheeks Les joues
Chest La poitrine
Chin Le menton
Collarbone La clavicule
Contraceptive pill La pilule
Cough / a cough Tousser / une toux
Covered in bruised Etre couvert de bleus
Crushed Ecrasé / broyé
Crutches Les béquilles
Cut coupe
Dizziness le vertige
Doctor Médecin
Drawsheet L’alèse
Dressing gown Robe de chambre
Drink (A) Une boisson
Drink (To) Boire
Ear L'oreille
Eat Manger
ECG Electrocardiogramme (électro)
Elbow Le coude
Exhausted épuisé
Eye (eyes) L’œil (Les yeux)
Face Le visage
Face flannel Un gant de toilette
Feel sick J'ai des nausées / J'ai mal au cœur
Feel unwell / faint J'ai un malaise / j'ai la tête qui tourne
Finger Le doigt
Fingernail L'ongle
Foot Le pied
Forehead Le front
Gall bladder La vésicule biliaire
Get undressed Déshabillez-vous
Grazed écorché
Gum Gencive
Hand La main
Have a wash Faire sa toilette
Head La tête
Heart Le cœur
Heel Le talon
High temperature la fièvre
Hip La hanche
Hospital gown (open at the back) Casaque / blouse opératoire
Infection Infection
Injection Piqûre
Intensive care Soins intensive
Jaw La mâchoire
Kidney Le rein
Knee Le genou
Liver Le foie
Lower back Les lombaires / les reins
Lungs Les poumons
Make the bed Faire le lit
Meal Un repas
Medicine (treatment) Médicament / traitement
Mouth La bouche
Muscle Le muscle
Nausea la nausée
Neck Le cou
Nightdress Chemise de nuit
Nose Le nez
Nurse Infirmière
Operating theatre Bloc opératoire
Operation Intervention chirurgicale
Operation Intervention
Out of breath essoufflé
Pain killer Calmant
Paramedics SAMU
Permission to operate Autorisation d’opérer
Physio after an accident Re-éducation
Physiotherapist Kinésithérapeute
Physiotherapy Kinésithérapie
Pill Cachet / Comprime
Pyjamas Pyjama
Rib La côte
Scratch une égratignure
Sensitive Sensible
Set up a drip Faire une perfusion
Shoulder L’épaule
Sleeping pill Somnifère
Slippers Pantoufles
Soap Le savon
Sore endolori
Spleen La rate
Sticking plaster Sparadrap / pansement adhésif
Stitches Points de suture
Stomach (external) Le ventre
Stomach (internal) L'estomac
Stretcher Brancard
Surgeon Chirurgien
Surgical dressing Pansement
Swelling une bosse
Swollen enfle
Take your blood pressure Contrôler votre tension
Teeth Les dents
Tender sensible
Tendon Le tendon
Thigh La cuisse
Throat La gorge
Thumb Le pouce
Tired fatigue
Toenail L'ongle du pied
Toes Les orteils
Tongue Le langue
Towel Une serviette
Ulcer ulcère
Water L'eau
Wheelchair Fauteuil roulant
Wounded blessé
Wrist Le poignet
X-ray Radio
Call an ambulance Appeler une ambulance
Call the emergency services Appeler le urgences
Call the police Appeler la police
Do not get up Ne pas se lever
Do you know an English speeking doctor? Connaissez-vous un médecin qui parle anglais?
Do you want an injection? Voulez-vous une piqûre?
I am allergic to… Je suis allergique a / a la / aux…
I am constipated Je suis constipé(e)
I am diabetic J'ai le diabète
I am going to faint Je vais m’evanouir
I am in pain J'ai mal
I am taking medication Je prends des médicament
I don't feel very well Je ne me sens pas tres bien
I feel better Je me sens mieux
I feel sick J'ai envie de vomir / J'ai mal au cœur
I feel bad Je me sens mal
I feel weak Je me sent faible
I feel worse Je me sens moins bien
I fell over Je suis tomber
I have a broken bone J’ai une fracture
I have a broken tooth J'ai une dent cassée
I have a chest cold J’ai une bronchite
I have a cold Je suis enrhumé
I have a cold J’ai une rhume
I have a got fever J’ai de la fievre
I have a headache J'ai mal à la tête
I have a sore throat / tonsilitis J'ai mal a la gorge / j'ai une angine
I have a wound J’ai une blessure
I have an abscess J'ai un abcès
I have an abscess J’ai un abcès
I have back ache J'ai mal au dos
I have been sick J'ai vomi
I have burnt myself Je me suis brûlé
I have chest pains J’ai des douleur à la poitrine
I have cut myself Je me suis coupé
I have flu J'ai la grippe
I have gor a head ache J’ai mal à la tête
I have got a headache J’ai mal à la tête
I have got a sore throat J’ai mal à la gorge
I have got a stomach ache J’ai mal à l’estomac
I have got cramps J’ai des cramps
I have got diarrhea J’ai la diarrhea
I have had a heart attack J’ai eu une crise cardiaque
I have lost a filling J'ai perdu un plombage
I have pain J'ai de la douleur
I have pains in the chest J'ai mal à la poitrine
I have shivers J’ai des frissons
I have stomach ache J'ai mal au ventre
I have the flu J’ai la grippe
I have to see a doctor J'ai dois de voir un médecin
I have toothache J'ai mal aux dents
I have wind J'ai des gaz
I need a bedpan J’ai besoin d'un bassin
I think it's broken Je pense que c'est cassé
I want a pee Je veux faire pipi
I'm bleeding Je saigne
I'm dizzy J’ai la vertige
I'm hungry J'ai faim
I'm sick Je suis malade
I'm sweating Je transpire
I'm thirsty J'ai soif
Is it serious? C’est grave?
It hurts everywhere J’ai mal partôut
It hurts here J’ai mal ici
It is painful since… C'est douloureux depuis…
Its swelling Ca enfle
I've been sick J'ai vomi
I've got the shivers J'ai des frissons
Permanent filling Obturation définitive
Stay lying down Restez allongé
Temporary filling Obturation provisoire
That hurts ça me fait Mal
That hurts! Ca me fait mal !
That is very painful C'est très douloureux
That itches Ca me démange
That itches Ca me gratte
That tickles Ca me chatouille
That's too loose Ce n'est pas assez serré
That's too tight C'est trop serré
There has been an accident Il y a eu un accident
To have a bowel movement (phoo) Aller à la selle (faire caca)
To ring (for a nurse) Sonner l'infermiere
To urinate Uriner (faire pipi)
Where is the Chemist? Ou se trouve la pharmacie?
Where is the Doctors? Ou se trouve un medecin?
Where is the Hospital? Ou se trouve l'hôpital?


Health cover in France - A few definitions


Understanding The French System     l     Examples of Reimbursements

Hospitalization     l     Key Words     l     Usefull Phrases



Understanding The French System:


Unlike the English system, the French regime makes no difference between the public and private treatments
(the reimbursement rates are identical).
On the other-hand, the 'Sécurité Sociale' alone does not cover the entirety of your expenses.

First column represents the total cost of your medical treatment.

Second column shows the possible reimbursements:

Orange = reimbursable with minimum cover

Orange to Red = Only reimbursable with higher cover or not at all.

Third column indicates where the reimbursements could come from.

Click on each column to see their individual definitions:




French Regime definitions


Examples of reimbursement:


 SOFICAS clients benifit fully from the French system as we use French companies that know thier subject.

Automatic reimbursements using only your "Carte Vitale".

"Tiers Payant"
No money to be advanced at the chemist / lab / x-ray and more.

"Prise en charge"
Possible on demand even for Optical and Dentistry.

Hospitals stay expenses can be paid directly by your "Top-Up".
"Frais de séjours and chambre particulière"

Hospitalization / Hospitalisation:


The question of payment will come after your wellbeing 
If you are in an emergency situation, you will be taken care of regardless of your nationality, professional or financial situation. 
However, after this point or if you have a planned hospital stay you could be asked for a “PEC”.
This "PEC" enables the hospital or Clinique to claim amounts due for your treatments directly from your "Régime Obligatoire" and eventually your "TOP-UP".

If you are in France on holiday you may present your “EHIC”.
 You will be asked for your blood group card - "carte de groupe sanguin'".
 They will ask about allergies - "avez-vous des allergies?" or "êtes-vous allergique?".
 You will be asked for your med
ical history - "antécédents médicaux ou chirurgicaux".
 You will be asked about any medication you are taking – "Quel est votre traitement actuel / courant/ en cours?"
 They will ask about your diet – "Avez-vous un régime spécial?"  Without salt – "Sans sel"   Without sugar – "Sans sucre"   Gluten free – "Sans gluten"





Key Words:



Useful Phrases:


Aching Douloureux
Ambulance Ambulance
Anaesthetic Anesthésique
Anaesthetic Anesthésie
Ankle La cheville
Appendix L'appendice
Arm Le bras
Assistant nurse Aide soignante
Back Le dos
Back of the neck La nuque
Bedpan Un bassin
Bell / buzzer Sonnette
Bladder La vessie
Blood Le sang
Blood test Prise de sang
Blood test (results) Résultat sanguin, Bilan sanguin
Blood test to be taken fasting Prise de sang à jeun
Body Le corps
Bone L'os
Bottle Une bouteille
Bowels Les intestins
Brain Le cerveau
Breast Le sein
Bruise Un bleu /une contusion / un hématome
Burn une brûlure
Burning sensation Sensation de chaleur / douleur cuisante
Buttocks / bottom Les fesses
Calf Le mollet
Capsule Gélule
Car accident Accident de la route
Casualty / A&E Urgences
Change your dressing Faire votre pansement
Cheeks Les joues
Chest La poitrine
Chin Le menton
Collarbone La clavicule
Contraceptive pill La pilule
Cough / a cough Tousser / une toux
Covered in bruised Etre couvert de bleus
Crushed Ecrasé / broyé
Crutches Les béquilles
Cut coupe
Dizziness le vertige
Doctor Médecin
Drawsheet L’alèse
Dressing gown Robe de chambre
Drink (A) Une boisson
Drink (To) Boire
Ear L'oreille
Eat Manger
ECG Electrocardiogramme (électro)
Elbow Le coude
Exhausted épuisé
Eye (eyes) L’œil (Les yeux)
Face Le visage
Face flannel Un gant de toilette
Feel sick J'ai des nausées / J'ai mal au cœur
Feel unwell / faint J'ai un malaise / j'ai la tête qui tourne
Finger Le doigt
Fingernail L'ongle
Foot Le pied
Forehead Le front
Gall bladder La vésicule biliaire
Get undressed Déshabillez-vous
Grazed écorché
Gum Gencive
Hand La main
Have a wash Faire sa toilette
Head La tête
Heart Le cœur
Heel Le talon
High temperature la fièvre
Hip La hanche
Hospital gown (open at the back) Casaque / blouse opératoire
Infection Infection
Injection Piqûre
Intensive care Soins intensive
Jaw La mâchoire
Kidney Le rein
Knee Le genou
Liver Le foie
Lower back Les lombaires / les reins
Lungs Les poumons
Make the bed Faire le lit
Meal Un repas
Medicine (treatment) Médicament / traitement
Mouth La bouche
Muscle Le muscle
Nausea la nausée
Neck Le cou
Nightdress Chemise de nuit
Nose Le nez
Nurse Infirmière
Operating theatre Bloc opératoire
Operation Intervention chirurgicale
Operation Intervention
Out of breath essoufflé
Pain killer Calmant
Paramedics SAMU
Permission to operate Autorisation d’opérer
Physio after an accident Re-éducation
Physiotherapist Kinésithérapeute
Physiotherapy Kinésithérapie
Pill Cachet / Comprime
Pyjamas Pyjama
Rib La côte
Scratch une égratignure
Sensitive Sensible
Set up a drip Faire une perfusion
Shoulder L’épaule
Sleeping pill Somnifère
Slippers Pantoufles
Soap Le savon
Sore endolori
Spleen La rate
Sticking plaster Sparadrap / pansement adhésif
Stitches Points de suture
Stomach (external) Le ventre
Stomach (internal) L'estomac
Stretcher Brancard
Surgeon Chirurgien
Surgical dressing Pansement
Swelling une bosse
Swollen enfle
Take your blood pressure Contrôler votre tension
Teeth Les dents
Tender sensible
Tendon Le tendon
Thigh La cuisse
Throat La gorge
Thumb Le pouce
Tired fatigue
Toenail L'ongle du pied
Toes Les orteils
Tongue Le langue
Towel Une serviette
Ulcer ulcère
Water L'eau
Wheelchair Fauteuil roulant
Wounded blessé
Wrist Le poignet
X-ray Radio
Call an ambulance Appeler une ambulance
Call the emergency services Appeler le urgences
Call the police Appeler la police
Do not get up Ne pas se lever
Do you know an English speeking doctor? Connaissez-vous un médecin qui parle anglais?
Do you want an injection? Voulez-vous une piqûre?
I am allergic to… Je suis allergique a / a la / aux…
I am constipated Je suis constipé(e)
I am diabetic J'ai le diabète
I am going to faint Je vais m’evanouir
I am in pain J'ai mal
I am taking medication Je prends des médicament
I don't feel very well Je ne me sens pas tres bien
I feel better Je me sens mieux
I feel sick J'ai envie de vomir / J'ai mal au cœur
I feel bad Je me sens mal
I feel weak Je me sent faible
I feel worse Je me sens moins bien
I fell over Je suis tomber
I have a broken bone J’ai une fracture
I have a broken tooth J'ai une dent cassée
I have a chest cold J’ai une bronchite
I have a cold Je suis enrhumé
I have a cold J’ai une rhume
I have a got fever J’ai de la fievre
I have a headache J'ai mal à la tête
I have a sore throat / tonsilitis J'ai mal a la gorge / j'ai une angine
I have a wound J’ai une blessure
I have an abscess J'ai un abcès
I have an abscess J’ai un abcès
I have back ache J'ai mal au dos
I have been sick J'ai vomi
I have burnt myself Je me suis brûlé
I have chest pains J’ai des douleur à la poitrine
I have cut myself Je me suis coupé
I have flu J'ai la grippe
I have gor a head ache J’ai mal à la tête
I have got a headache J’ai mal à la tête
I have got a sore throat J’ai mal à la gorge
I have got a stomach ache J’ai mal à l’estomac
I have got cramps J’ai des cramps
I have got diarrhea J’ai la diarrhea
I have had a heart attack J’ai eu une crise cardiaque
I have lost a filling J'ai perdu un plombage
I have pain J'ai de la douleur
I have pains in the chest J'ai mal à la poitrine
I have shivers J’ai des frissons
I have stomach ache J'ai mal au ventre
I have the flu J’ai la grippe
I have to see a doctor J'ai dois de voir un médecin
I have toothache J'ai mal aux dents
I have wind J'ai des gaz
I need a bedpan J’ai besoin d'un bassin
I think it's broken Je pense que c'est cassé
I want a pee Je veux faire pipi
I'm bleeding Je saigne
I'm dizzy J’ai la vertige
I'm hungry J'ai faim
I'm sick Je suis malade
I'm sweating Je transpire
I'm thirsty J'ai soif
Is it serious? C’est grave?
It hurts everywhere J’ai mal partôut
It hurts here J’ai mal ici
It is painful since… C'est douloureux depuis…
Its swelling Ca enfle
I've been sick J'ai vomi
I've got the shivers J'ai des frissons
Permanent filling Obturation définitive
Stay lying down Restez allongé
Temporary filling Obturation provisoire
That hurts ça me fait Mal
That hurts! Ca me fait mal !
That is very painful C'est très douloureux
That itches Ca me démange
That itches Ca me gratte
That tickles Ca me chatouille
That's too loose Ce n'est pas assez serré
That's too tight C'est trop serré
There has been an accident Il y a eu un accident
To have a bowel movement (phoo) Aller à la selle (faire caca)
To ring (for a nurse) Sonner l'infermiere
To urinate Uriner (faire pipi)
Where is the Chemist? Ou se trouve la pharmacie?
Where is the Doctors? Ou se trouve un medecin?
Where is the Hospital? Ou se trouve l'hôpital?



Expat Financial Advisors

Contact Brian Furzer


Mob: 06 25 36 30 65



Along with the resources of The Spectrum IFA Group, one of Europe’s leading independent intermediaries, Brian Furzer brings more than 30 years experience to the financial services industry. He specialises in

 addressing the unique financial planning needs of expatriates and those with cross-border interests and has a detailed knowledge of international product providers and tax-efficient structures that can assist in asset building, asset protection and, ultimately, estate planning.

As an independent adviser, Brian provides clients with the advantage of unbiased financial planning advice. He has access to many of the world’s most respected international banking, investment management and insurance institutions, which brings his clients the competitive advantages and convenience of being able to access multiple managers and product providers through one source.

Brian does not charge consulting fees for providing you with advice or on-going service. The Spectrum IFA Group receives industry-standard fees directly from the financial institutions with which they place their clients’ investments - not directly from clients.

Clients have varied needs, but typically either have disposable income they wish to invest regularly towards their medium to long-term goals, or have accrued capital they would like to invest for growth or to provide an income. Clients are introduced to Brian either by personal introduction (referral by existing clients), or by means of professional introduction (by financial institutions, employer Human Resources departments or by professional service providers such as accountants, lawyers, trust managers or relocation specialists).

Brian works with clients of all ages, wealth and financial experience. It is a well-established principle that people who plan for their goals are far more likely to reach them than those who don’t!

Other Information

He is a French resident and lives in the unspoilt countryside of the Charente Maritime bordering on Aquitaine between Bordeaux and La Rochelle.Keen on outdoor pursuits and nature generally, Brian is an accomplished flyfisher for trout and salmon and has qualified for the English Flyfishing Team and has published four books internationally on flyfishing. The Charente Maritime is the perfect environment for pursuing his interest of observing nature, particularly the varied birdlife of the area.

Brian is a member of the Franco British Chamber of Commerce & Industry. 

Brian provides an initial confidential consultation to:

• Assist you in evaluating existing pensions, protection (insurance) and savings / investment provision in a comprehensible manner.

• Identify and prioritise your financial objectives (short, medium and long-term).

• Identify how to reach those objectives, on the basis of resources you can comfortably engage. Importantly, he will focus on present and future tax-efficiency, product portability, your attitude to risk and events that may threaten the financial wellbeing of you and your dependents.

Next he will prepare a report recommending solutions matching your requirements and include any relevant product literature and illustrations to enable you to make an informed decision. Crucially, Spectrum are not agents for any particular company- representing clients from an unbiased position of independence. We feel that this strongly sets us apart from dealing directly with large institutions, where you may experience less-personal service, a high turnover of staff familiar with your circumstances and where there may be a bias to recommend their own products and services.

Spectrum’s recommendations are made without obligation or charge. You are free to accept our advice wholly, partly or not at all. We are pleased also to negotiate and arrange access to holdings specifically of your choice.




Why use Currencies Direct? - the benefits.

Challenging traditional banking conventions, Currencies Direct guarantees to beat any retail bank both in price and service. From the moment we were established our aim has been simple. To provide a personalised service and save our clients money from dealing with traditional banks.

  • Increasing your spending power. Because we deal directly with the currency markets we can offer the best foreign money exchange rates that the banks find hard to beat. These great foreign currency exchange rates mean that you get more for your money.
  • Saving you money. We want to make sure that you get the best forex deals you can so that's why we offer all our clients free transfers (over £5,000) and charge no commission. Plus, Currencies Direct does not charge lifting/receiving fees on forex transfers.
  • Tailored to your circumstances. As specialist foreign exchange brokers we are able to offer a number of product choices for foreign exchange including spot deals, forward contracts and limit orders. Which one is right for you will depend on your circumstances, foreign currency needs and timing.
  • Easy to deal with. You can trade in forex with us by phone, talking directly to a currency specialist, electronically or by fax. The first step is to become a registered private or business customer. Our registration process is second to none. You can register with us online and be ready to trade in minutes.
  • Make regular payments overseas. Mortgage, maintenance, insurance - whatever your reason for making regular money transfers Currencies Direct's Overseas Regular Money Transfer Plan can save you money. With free forex transfers, great foreign exchange rates and low minimum amounts we really make is easy to keep benefiting from our great service. Click here for more information.
  • For businesses, we are committed to delivering excellence in customer service and solutions to help your business grow and compete more effectively within the global market place.

Currencies Direct Limited is a leading payment technology solutions company and it was one of Europe's first independent foreign exchange specialists in 1996 to recognise the need in the market for an expert secondary Foreign Exchange provider to traditional banks. Its innovative approach is based on dealing directly with the currency markets and matching buyers with sellers thus eliminating intermediaries and giving it a competitive edge in pricing foreign exchange. Twelve years on Currencies Direct is now one of Europe's largest foreign exchange specialist with a head office and operations across 5 continents, with 2,000 strong franchise network of business partners and is part of the Azibo Group.

 Trust a specialist to Get it Right on Overseas Transfers 

Many of us send money abroad for various reasons. Anything from emigrating; purchasing a holiday home; paying a mortgage or covering monthly business costs, we do this through the obvious vehicle - our bank. The disappointing factor with this choice is we lose money every time we do this, either through bank charges such as transfer fees or through poor foreign exchange rates. Naturally we all trust our bank to handle financial matters, but we don’t consider other options for transferring funds abroad, most probably because we aren’t aware of the benefits of using a specialist foreign exchange provider.

For those who are aware of the charges from the bank and negotiate a better deal; need to consider that banks are often prepared to waive their fee or charges because they can make a substantial profit on offering a poor foreign exchange rate. So however you look at it the banks make money and you lose money on international transfers, the larger the transfer, the more you have to lose. 

Every year at Currencies Direct we see new clients joining us; it never ceases to astonish us how much money our clients lose through banks and how much they saved through our services especially on large transfers* or small regular overseas payments. We charge no fees for transfers over £5000 and regular transfers are also fee-free. 

You will wonder how businesses like our own make money if you are saving so much? This is simple, we buy £2bn worth of foreign exchange each year so we are able to purchase our currency at wholesale rates. We pass on most of these savings to you, retaining a small margin for ourselves. We guarantee to always beat the banks on exchange rates. 

Transferring your funds overseas is very straightforward with Currencies Direct. We process 220 000 payments a year so we have the expertise to make payments swiftly and painlessly. As soon as we receive your funds, we send out the payment immediately to the bank account details you have provided. We send payments to bank accounts in 50 countries and trade in 45 different currencies giving you a wide choice of where you can make transfers. 

Working as a specialist broker gives us the advantage of finding the best rates for you and offering you a more personal service, we have numerous solutions that can be tailored to meet your needs. Once you have registered for our service you will receive a personal dealer who will handle your foreign exchange payments, their  job is to ensure you receive the best rates as well as giving you the option of buying the rate now or when it meets a target set by you and the dealer. The dealer will discuss with you the best option for your needs. You can make international transfers by speaking to your dealer and agreeing a contract or you can use our online system iPayFX.  

Currencies Direct offer a wide range of services to assist you with your international payments. The bottom line is – your best interests are our focus. 

Written by Karl Sieha,  Currencies Direct 

*Currencies Direct can typically save clients up to three per cent of the overall amount of money being transferred compared to mainstream banks. And, unlike most other exchanges, it does not charge a commission and waives its transaction fee on deals above £5,000.


Health cover in France - A few definitions


Understanding The French System     l     Examples of Reimbursements

Hospitalization     l     Key Words     l     Usefull Phrases



Understanding The French System:


Unlike the English system, the French regime makes no difference between the public and private treatments
(the reimbursement rates are identical).
On the other-hand, the 'Sécurité Sociale' alone does not cover the entirety of your expenses.

First column represents the total cost of your medical treatment.

Second column shows the possible reimbursements:

Orange = reimbursable with minimum cover

Orange to Red = Only reimbursable with higher cover or not at all.

Third column indicates where the reimbursements could come from.

Click on each column to see their individual definitions:




French Regime definitions


Examples of reimbursement:


 SOFICAS clients benifit fully from the French system as we use French companies that know thier subject.

Automatic reimbursements using only your "Carte Vitale".

"Tiers Payant"
No money to be advanced at the chemist / lab / x-ray and more.

"Prise en charge"
Possible on demand even for Optical and Dentistry.

Hospitals stay expenses can be paid directly by your "Top-Up".
"Frais de séjours and chambre particulière"

Hospitalization / Hospitalisation:


The question of payment will come after your wellbeing 
If you are in an emergency situation, you will be taken care of regardless of your nationality, professional or financial situation. 
However, after this point or if you have a planned hospital stay you could be asked for a “PEC”.
This "PEC" enables the hospital or Clinique to claim amounts due for your treatments directly from your "Régime Obligatoire" and eventually your "TOP-UP".

If you are in France on holiday you may present your “EHIC”.
 You will be asked for your blood group card - "carte de groupe sanguin'".
 They will ask about allergies - "avez-vous des allergies?" or "êtes-vous allergique?".
 You will be asked for your med
ical history - "antécédents médicaux ou chirurgicaux".
 You will be asked about any medication you are taking – "Quel est votre traitement actuel / courant/ en cours?"
 They will ask about your diet – "Avez-vous un régime spécial?"  Without salt – "Sans sel"   Without sugar – "Sans sucre"   Gluten free – "Sans gluten"





Key Words:



Useful Phrases:


Aching Douloureux
Ambulance Ambulance
Anaesthetic Anesthésique
Anaesthetic Anesthésie
Ankle La cheville
Appendix L'appendice
Arm Le bras
Assistant nurse Aide soignante
Back Le dos
Back of the neck La nuque
Bedpan Un bassin
Bell / buzzer Sonnette
Bladder La vessie
Blood Le sang
Blood test Prise de sang
Blood test (results) Résultat sanguin, Bilan sanguin
Blood test to be taken fasting Prise de sang à jeun
Body Le corps
Bone L'os
Bottle Une bouteille
Bowels Les intestins
Brain Le cerveau
Breast Le sein
Bruise Un bleu /une contusion / un hématome
Burn une brûlure
Burning sensation Sensation de chaleur / douleur cuisante
Buttocks / bottom Les fesses
Calf Le mollet
Capsule Gélule
Car accident Accident de la route
Casualty / A&E Urgences
Change your dressing Faire votre pansement
Cheeks Les joues
Chest La poitrine
Chin Le menton
Collarbone La clavicule
Contraceptive pill La pilule
Cough / a cough Tousser / une toux
Covered in bruised Etre couvert de bleus
Crushed Ecrasé / broyé
Crutches Les béquilles
Cut coupe
Dizziness le vertige
Doctor Médecin
Drawsheet L’alèse
Dressing gown Robe de chambre
Drink (A) Une boisson
Drink (To) Boire
Ear L'oreille
Eat Manger
ECG Electrocardiogramme (électro)
Elbow Le coude
Exhausted épuisé
Eye (eyes) L’œil (Les yeux)
Face Le visage
Face flannel Un gant de toilette
Feel sick J'ai des nausées / J'ai mal au cœur
Feel unwell / faint J'ai un malaise / j'ai la tête qui tourne
Finger Le doigt
Fingernail L'ongle
Foot Le pied
Forehead Le front
Gall bladder La vésicule biliaire
Get undressed Déshabillez-vous
Grazed écorché
Gum Gencive
Hand La main
Have a wash Faire sa toilette
Head La tête
Heart Le cœur
Heel Le talon
High temperature la fièvre
Hip La hanche
Hospital gown (open at the back) Casaque / blouse opératoire
Infection Infection
Injection Piqûre
Intensive care Soins intensive
Jaw La mâchoire
Kidney Le rein
Knee Le genou
Liver Le foie
Lower back Les lombaires / les reins
Lungs Les poumons
Make the bed Faire le lit
Meal Un repas
Medicine (treatment) Médicament / traitement
Mouth La bouche
Muscle Le muscle
Nausea la nausée
Neck Le cou
Nightdress Chemise de nuit
Nose Le nez
Nurse Infirmière
Operating theatre Bloc opératoire
Operation Intervention chirurgicale
Operation Intervention
Out of breath essoufflé
Pain killer Calmant
Paramedics SAMU
Permission to operate Autorisation d’opérer
Physio after an accident Re-éducation
Physiotherapist Kinésithérapeute
Physiotherapy Kinésithérapie
Pill Cachet / Comprime
Pyjamas Pyjama
Rib La côte
Scratch une égratignure
Sensitive Sensible
Set up a drip Faire une perfusion
Shoulder L’épaule
Sleeping pill Somnifère
Slippers Pantoufles
Soap Le savon
Sore endolori
Spleen La rate
Sticking plaster Sparadrap / pansement adhésif
Stitches Points de suture
Stomach (external) Le ventre
Stomach (internal) L'estomac
Stretcher Brancard
Surgeon Chirurgien
Surgical dressing Pansement
Swelling une bosse
Swollen enfle
Take your blood pressure Contrôler votre tension
Teeth Les dents
Tender sensible
Tendon Le tendon
Thigh La cuisse
Throat La gorge
Thumb Le pouce
Tired fatigue
Toenail L'ongle du pied
Toes Les orteils
Tongue Le langue
Towel Une serviette
Ulcer ulcère
Water L'eau
Wheelchair Fauteuil roulant
Wounded blessé
Wrist Le poignet
X-ray Radio
Call an ambulance Appeler une ambulance
Call the emergency services Appeler le urgences
Call the police Appeler la police
Do not get up Ne pas se lever
Do you know an English speeking doctor? Connaissez-vous un médecin qui parle anglais?
Do you want an injection? Voulez-vous une piqûre?
I am allergic to… Je suis allergique a / a la / aux…
I am constipated Je suis constipé(e)
I am diabetic J'ai le diabète
I am going to faint Je vais m’evanouir
I am in pain J'ai mal
I am taking medication Je prends des médicament
I don't feel very well Je ne me sens pas tres bien
I feel better Je me sens mieux
I feel sick J'ai envie de vomir / J'ai mal au cœur
I feel bad Je me sens mal
I feel weak Je me sent faible
I feel worse Je me sens moins bien
I fell over Je suis tomber
I have a broken bone J’ai une fracture
I have a broken tooth J'ai une dent cassée
I have a chest cold J’ai une bronchite
I have a cold Je suis enrhumé
I have a cold J’ai une rhume
I have a got fever J’ai de la fievre
I have a headache J'ai mal à la tête
I have a sore throat / tonsilitis J'ai mal a la gorge / j'ai une angine
I have a wound J’ai une blessure
I have an abscess J'ai un abcès
I have an abscess J’ai un abcès
I have back ache J'ai mal au dos
I have been sick J'ai vomi
I have burnt myself Je me suis brûlé
I have chest pains J’ai des douleur à la poitrine
I have cut myself Je me suis coupé
I have flu J'ai la grippe
I have gor a head ache J’ai mal à la tête
I have got a headache J’ai mal à la tête
I have got a sore throat J’ai mal à la gorge
I have got a stomach ache J’ai mal à l’estomac
I have got cramps J’ai des cramps
I have got diarrhea J’ai la diarrhea
I have had a heart attack J’ai eu une crise cardiaque
I have lost a filling J'ai perdu un plombage
I have pain J'ai de la douleur
I have pains in the chest J'ai mal à la poitrine
I have shivers J’ai des frissons
I have stomach ache J'ai mal au ventre
I have the flu J’ai la grippe
I have to see a doctor J'ai dois de voir un médecin
I have toothache J'ai mal aux dents
I have wind J'ai des gaz
I need a bedpan J’ai besoin d'un bassin
I think it's broken Je pense que c'est cassé
I want a pee Je veux faire pipi
I'm bleeding Je saigne
I'm dizzy J’ai la vertige
I'm hungry J'ai faim
I'm sick Je suis malade
I'm sweating Je transpire
I'm thirsty J'ai soif
Is it serious? C’est grave?
It hurts everywhere J’ai mal partôut
It hurts here J’ai mal ici
It is painful since… C'est douloureux depuis…
Its swelling Ca enfle
I've been sick J'ai vomi
I've got the shivers J'ai des frissons
Permanent filling Obturation définitive
Stay lying down Restez allongé
Temporary filling Obturation provisoire
That hurts ça me fait Mal
That hurts! Ca me fait mal !
That is very painful C'est très douloureux
That itches Ca me démange
That itches Ca me gratte
That tickles Ca me chatouille
That's too loose Ce n'est pas assez serré
That's too tight C'est trop serré
There has been an accident Il y a eu un accident
To have a bowel movement (phoo) Aller à la selle (faire caca)
To ring (for a nurse) Sonner l'infermiere
To urinate Uriner (faire pipi)
Where is the Chemist? Ou se trouve la pharmacie?
Where is the Doctors? Ou se trouve un medecin?
Where is the Hospital? Ou se trouve l'hôpital?



Expat Financial Advisors

Contact Brian Furzer


Mob: 06 25 36 30 65



Along with the resources of The Spectrum IFA Group, one of Europe’s leading independent intermediaries, Brian Furzer brings more than 30 years experience to the financial services industry. He specialises in

 addressing the unique financial planning needs of expatriates and those with cross-border interests and has a detailed knowledge of international product providers and tax-efficient structures that can assist in asset building, asset protection and, ultimately, estate planning.

As an independent adviser, Brian provides clients with the advantage of unbiased financial planning advice. He has access to many of the world’s most respected international banking, investment management and insurance institutions, which brings his clients the competitive advantages and convenience of being able to access multiple managers and product providers through one source.

Brian does not charge consulting fees for providing you with advice or on-going service. The Spectrum IFA Group receives industry-standard fees directly from the financial institutions with which they place their clients’ investments - not directly from clients.

Clients have varied needs, but typically either have disposable income they wish to invest regularly towards their medium to long-term goals, or have accrued capital they would like to invest for growth or to provide an income. Clients are introduced to Brian either by personal introduction (referral by existing clients), or by means of professional introduction (by financial institutions, employer Human Resources departments or by professional service providers such as accountants, lawyers, trust managers or relocation specialists).

Brian works with clients of all ages, wealth and financial experience. It is a well-established principle that people who plan for their goals are far more likely to reach them than those who don’t!

Other Information

He is a French resident and lives in the unspoilt countryside of the Charente Maritime bordering on Aquitaine between Bordeaux and La Rochelle.Keen on outdoor pursuits and nature generally, Brian is an accomplished flyfisher for trout and salmon and has qualified for the English Flyfishing Team and has published four books internationally on flyfishing. The Charente Maritime is the perfect environment for pursuing his interest of observing nature, particularly the varied birdlife of the area.

Brian is a member of the Franco British Chamber of Commerce & Industry. 

Brian provides an initial confidential consultation to:

• Assist you in evaluating existing pensions, protection (insurance) and savings / investment provision in a comprehensible manner.

• Identify and prioritise your financial objectives (short, medium and long-term).

• Identify how to reach those objectives, on the basis of resources you can comfortably engage. Importantly, he will focus on present and future tax-efficiency, product portability, your attitude to risk and events that may threaten the financial wellbeing of you and your dependents.

Next he will prepare a report recommending solutions matching your requirements and include any relevant product literature and illustrations to enable you to make an informed decision. Crucially, Spectrum are not agents for any particular company- representing clients from an unbiased position of independence. We feel that this strongly sets us apart from dealing directly with large institutions, where you may experience less-personal service, a high turnover of staff familiar with your circumstances and where there may be a bias to recommend their own products and services.

Spectrum’s recommendations are made without obligation or charge. You are free to accept our advice wholly, partly or not at all. We are pleased also to negotiate and arrange access to holdings specifically of your choice.




Why use Currencies Direct? - the benefits.

Challenging traditional banking conventions, Currencies Direct guarantees to beat any retail bank both in price and service. From the moment we were established our aim has been simple. To provide a personalised service and save our clients money from dealing with traditional banks.

  • Increasing your spending power. Because we deal directly with the currency markets we can offer the best foreign money exchange rates that the banks find hard to beat. These great foreign currency exchange rates mean that you get more for your money.
  • Saving you money. We want to make sure that you get the best forex deals you can so that's why we offer all our clients free transfers (over £5,000) and charge no commission. Plus, Currencies Direct does not charge lifting/receiving fees on forex transfers.
  • Tailored to your circumstances. As specialist foreign exchange brokers we are able to offer a number of product choices for foreign exchange including spot deals, forward contracts and limit orders. Which one is right for you will depend on your circumstances, foreign currency needs and timing.
  • Easy to deal with. You can trade in forex with us by phone, talking directly to a currency specialist, electronically or by fax. The first step is to become a registered private or business customer. Our registration process is second to none. You can register with us online and be ready to trade in minutes.
  • Make regular payments overseas. Mortgage, maintenance, insurance - whatever your reason for making regular money transfers Currencies Direct's Overseas Regular Money Transfer Plan can save you money. With free forex transfers, great foreign exchange rates and low minimum amounts we really make is easy to keep benefiting from our great service. Click here for more information.
  • For businesses, we are committed to delivering excellence in customer service and solutions to help your business grow and compete more effectively within the global market place.

Currencies Direct Limited is a leading payment technology solutions company and it was one of Europe's first independent foreign exchange specialists in 1996 to recognise the need in the market for an expert secondary Foreign Exchange provider to traditional banks. Its innovative approach is based on dealing directly with the currency markets and matching buyers with sellers thus eliminating intermediaries and giving it a competitive edge in pricing foreign exchange. Twelve years on Currencies Direct is now one of Europe's largest foreign exchange specialist with a head office and operations across 5 continents, with 2,000 strong franchise network of business partners and is part of the Azibo Group.

 Trust a specialist to Get it Right on Overseas Transfers 

Many of us send money abroad for various reasons. Anything from emigrating; purchasing a holiday home; paying a mortgage or covering monthly business costs, we do this through the obvious vehicle - our bank. The disappointing factor with this choice is we lose money every time we do this, either through bank charges such as transfer fees or through poor foreign exchange rates. Naturally we all trust our bank to handle financial matters, but we don’t consider other options for transferring funds abroad, most probably because we aren’t aware of the benefits of using a specialist foreign exchange provider.

For those who are aware of the charges from the bank and negotiate a better deal; need to consider that banks are often prepared to waive their fee or charges because they can make a substantial profit on offering a poor foreign exchange rate. So however you look at it the banks make money and you lose money on international transfers, the larger the transfer, the more you have to lose. 

Every year at Currencies Direct we see new clients joining us; it never ceases to astonish us how much money our clients lose through banks and how much they saved through our services especially on large transfers* or small regular overseas payments. We charge no fees for transfers over £5000 and regular transfers are also fee-free. 

You will wonder how businesses like our own make money if you are saving so much? This is simple, we buy £2bn worth of foreign exchange each year so we are able to purchase our currency at wholesale rates. We pass on most of these savings to you, retaining a small margin for ourselves. We guarantee to always beat the banks on exchange rates. 

Transferring your funds overseas is very straightforward with Currencies Direct. We process 220 000 payments a year so we have the expertise to make payments swiftly and painlessly. As soon as we receive your funds, we send out the payment immediately to the bank account details you have provided. We send payments to bank accounts in 50 countries and trade in 45 different currencies giving you a wide choice of where you can make transfers. 

Working as a specialist broker gives us the advantage of finding the best rates for you and offering you a more personal service, we have numerous solutions that can be tailored to meet your needs. Once you have registered for our service you will receive a personal dealer who will handle your foreign exchange payments, their  job is to ensure you receive the best rates as well as giving you the option of buying the rate now or when it meets a target set by you and the dealer. The dealer will discuss with you the best option for your needs. You can make international transfers by speaking to your dealer and agreeing a contract or you can use our online system iPayFX.  

Currencies Direct offer a wide range of services to assist you with your international payments. The bottom line is – your best interests are our focus. 

Written by Karl Sieha,  Currencies Direct 

*Currencies Direct can typically save clients up to three per cent of the overall amount of money being transferred compared to mainstream banks. And, unlike most other exchanges, it does not charge a commission and waives its transaction fee on deals above £5,000.




 If you're thinking of buying a property in France, you can't afford to miss
The French Village at 
A Place in the Sun Live on  

28th-30th September 2012, NEC Birmingham 

 The experts on France,, work in association with A Place in the Sun to host the boutique French Village at our forthcoming exhibition. 

The French Village at A Place in the Sun Live, combines a mix of agents and developers with thousands of French properties for sale from across the country, alongside a detailed seminar programme featuring advice from French property experts and Q&A sessions. Together, the experts in the village will ensure that the committed Francophile is up to speed on all aspects of buying property and living in France. 

Editor of, David Yeates, will be chairing a series of presentations from industry experts on how to buy property and live in France. It's vital to understand everything from tax and healthcare issues through to the legal pitfalls to avoid before you embark on your property purchase. That's why we've got the specialists on-hand to give you insider knowledge such as Duncan Campbell from Siddalls Financial Services and David Johnson from Halo Financial.

And if you just want to get a feel for what it's like to actually  live in France, then don't miss Joanna Leggett from Leggett Immobilier's session each day where she'll be telling you what its really like to learn the language, get around and mix with the locals in this wonderful country. 

And of course there are hundreds of beautiful French properties to whet your appetite. 

Make sure you come prepared to ask plenty of questions - we challenge you to ask our experts something they don't know! 

 A Place in the Sun Live is the perfect place to seek information and meat professionals when you're thinking of buying a property overseas.

There's also a packed schedule of free-to-attend seminar sessions, where experts from across the industry will be talking about the things that are important to you when buying a home abroad. There are sessions on everything from transferring your currency when buying a property in France, to what healthcare and pension entitlements you can expect in Cyprus and almost everything in between.A Place in the Sun Live is a great informal atmosphere where you can meet agents and take the time to ask all the questions you want answered so you can compare and contrast the different properties and deals on offer.

The Main Stage sponsored by MBi Consulting is at the heart of the action where our TV presenters Amanda Lamb, Jasmine Harman and Jonnie Irwin will be sharing their experiences of house-huning overseas - all the sessions are free, just get there early if you want a seat!
The Buying Advice Seminar Theatre sponsored by will offer seminar sessions on buying in Spain, Cyprus and Turkey, as well as sessions on financing your property and emigration.

There are also series of country-themed villages and pavilion areas within the show with dedicated seminar theatres, where you can get specific advice on the most popular destinations to buy a property abroad.

The French Village in association with the experts on France, and sponsored by Halo Financial has its own dedicated seminar theatre and is surrounded by agents selling property from all four corners of France. Plus there are experts on tax, healthcare and all the other important topics you need to understand before buying a property in France. 


The French Village at London's Earls Court will be hosting their popular ‘French Village’ at A Place in the Sun Live exhibition at London's Earls Court, 30th March - 1st April.

A Place in the Sun Live is the largest overseas property exhibition in the UK and our French Village is a major display area at the event.

As well as offering a selection of properties from agents and private vendors across France, there will be an opportunity to hear from a range of specialist speakers on buying property and living in France.

Amongst the exhibitors will be Halo Financial, Siddalls Financial Advisors Ltd, Leggett Immobilier, Furley Page Solicitors, Soficas Medical Insurers, Richard Immobilier, International Private Finance, Le Bonheur Immobilier, Charente Immobilier, and Move Vitesse Removals

There is a packed seminar programme for the three days of the show, with rolling presentations from expert speakers, together with ‘Ask the Experts’ panel sessions.

The seminars will cover some of the key issues of concern to French property buyers:

  • Legal process of Buying Property
  • French Taxation and Inheritance
  • Health Cover
  • Currency Management
  • Living in France
  • Getting a Mortgage

The seminars will be overseen by David Yeates, News Editor of

They will be free to attend on a first come, first served basis. will be offering a free ‘Guide to Buying Property in France’, and visitors will also be able to meet the team to discuss their French property needs and aspirations. is one of the leading Anglophone sites for property listings in France, with around 13,000 properties and over 100 agents on our site.

In recent years we have also developed an authoritative source of information and advice on buying property and living in France, through our Guides to France and Newsletter. 

 French Village Shines at A Place in the Sun Live NEC 2011

A strong turnout last weekend at the French Village, A Place in the Sun Live, does suggest that the tide may well be turning on interest in buying property in France.

Pat Monk, Managing Director of stated, 'This was the fourth occasion when we have hosted the French Village at the APITS property exhibition. Given the current climate, it was also one we approached with a fair degree of apprehension.

So it was with great delight and surprise to find that when the doors to the exhibition opened on Friday morning we were quickly overrun with dozens of visitors looking for a property to buy, and for further information on living in France.'

Over the whole of the three day event, we estimate between 1500 and 2000 people called in on the French Village.

Not only were there particulars available on hundreds of properties for sale, but also estate agents and experts on hand to discuss all aspects of buying property and living in France.

A large number of the seminars we ran over the three days were completely full, with standing room only in many cases.

Perhaps of as much interest as the turnout was the quality of those who came along to the show, with the vast majority of visitors clearly very interested in relocating to France, determined to learn as much about how best to do it and what to expect.

John Richardson of French mortgage brokers International Private Finance Ltd, one of the exhibitors in the French Village, stated that, ‘Despite the negative headlines currently dominating the press it was refreshing to see first-hand the enthusiasm that remains amongst potential buyers of second homes in France.’

‘The show also provided a great opportunity to speak to potential buyers face-to-face and understand what information they are looking for, where they are looking to buy, and concerns they may have regarding the process and the availability of French mortgages,’ he stated.

A similar view was expressed by 
Tony Mason of medical insurance brokers Soficas.
’We were amazed to at the size of the turnout for our seminar presentations and the clear level of interest that those who attended expressed in finding out more about their health insurance options when they relocate to France’, he stated.

For Sarah Bogard of solicitors Furley Page 'The exhibition is a major event in the calendar and the Birmingham show was once again a great success. Our legal team met many people to talk about their ambitions to move over to France to live, as well as a good number in search of a holiday home. We find the French Village a fantastic one stop shop for all the key information required for anyone considering such a life changing move.'

Sally Stone of property management company Les Bons Voisins stated, 'Our company prides itself on doing what it says on the tin, so I can only say how pleased we are to be part of the French Village at A Place in the Sun exhibitions. Under the overall umbrella of the breadth of information and assistance available to visitors is second to none.'

David Johnson, Director of Halo Financial Ltd, currency brokers and sponsors of the French Village also considered that there was a definite increase in interest in buying property in France.'We took more enquiries on the first day of the exhibition than we did over the three days of the London exhibition in March. There is no doubting it; despite the uncertainty that is around, France is getting back on track.’


Health cover in France - A few definitions


Understanding The French System     l     Examples of Reimbursements

Hospitalization     l     Key Words     l     Usefull Phrases



Understanding The French System:


Unlike the English system, the French regime makes no difference between the public and private treatments
(the reimbursement rates are identical).
On the other-hand, the 'Sécurité Sociale' alone does not cover the entirety of your expenses.

First column represents the total cost of your medical treatment.

Second column shows the possible reimbursements:

Orange = reimbursable with minimum cover

Orange to Red = Only reimbursable with higher cover or not at all.

Third column indicates where the reimbursements could come from.

Click on each column to see their individual definitions:




French Regime definitions


Examples of reimbursement:


 SOFICAS clients benifit fully from the French system as we use French companies that know thier subject.

Automatic reimbursements using only your "Carte Vitale".

"Tiers Payant"
No money to be advanced at the chemist / lab / x-ray and more.

"Prise en charge"
Possible on demand even for Optical and Dentistry.

Hospitals stay expenses can be paid directly by your "Top-Up".
"Frais de séjours and chambre particulière"

Hospitalization / Hospitalisation:


The question of payment will come after your wellbeing 
If you are in an emergency situation, you will be taken care of regardless of your nationality, professional or financial situation. 
However, after this point or if you have a planned hospital stay you could be asked for a “PEC”.
This "PEC" enables the hospital or Clinique to claim amounts due for your treatments directly from your "Régime Obligatoire" and eventually your "TOP-UP".

If you are in France on holiday you may present your “EHIC”.
 You will be asked for your blood group card - "carte de groupe sanguin'".
 They will ask about allergies - "avez-vous des allergies?" or "êtes-vous allergique?".
 You will be asked for your med
ical history - "antécédents médicaux ou chirurgicaux".
 You will be asked about any medication you are taking – "Quel est votre traitement actuel / courant/ en cours?"
 They will ask about your diet – "Avez-vous un régime spécial?"  Without salt – "Sans sel"   Without sugar – "Sans sucre"   Gluten free – "Sans gluten"





Key Words:



Useful Phrases:


Aching Douloureux
Ambulance Ambulance
Anaesthetic Anesthésique
Anaesthetic Anesthésie
Ankle La cheville
Appendix L'appendice
Arm Le bras
Assistant nurse Aide soignante
Back Le dos
Back of the neck La nuque
Bedpan Un bassin
Bell / buzzer Sonnette
Bladder La vessie
Blood Le sang
Blood test Prise de sang
Blood test (results) Résultat sanguin, Bilan sanguin
Blood test to be taken fasting Prise de sang à jeun
Body Le corps
Bone L'os
Bottle Une bouteille
Bowels Les intestins
Brain Le cerveau
Breast Le sein
Bruise Un bleu /une contusion / un hématome
Burn une brûlure
Burning sensation Sensation de chaleur / douleur cuisante
Buttocks / bottom Les fesses
Calf Le mollet
Capsule Gélule
Car accident Accident de la route
Casualty / A&E Urgences
Change your dressing Faire votre pansement
Cheeks Les joues
Chest La poitrine
Chin Le menton
Collarbone La clavicule
Contraceptive pill La pilule
Cough / a cough Tousser / une toux
Covered in bruised Etre couvert de bleus
Crushed Ecrasé / broyé
Crutches Les béquilles
Cut coupe
Dizziness le vertige
Doctor Médecin
Drawsheet L’alèse
Dressing gown Robe de chambre
Drink (A) Une boisson
Drink (To) Boire
Ear L'oreille
Eat Manger
ECG Electrocardiogramme (électro)
Elbow Le coude
Exhausted épuisé
Eye (eyes) L’œil (Les yeux)
Face Le visage
Face flannel Un gant de toilette
Feel sick J'ai des nausées / J'ai mal au cœur
Feel unwell / faint J'ai un malaise / j'ai la tête qui tourne
Finger Le doigt
Fingernail L'ongle
Foot Le pied
Forehead Le front
Gall bladder La vésicule biliaire
Get undressed Déshabillez-vous
Grazed écorché
Gum Gencive
Hand La main
Have a wash Faire sa toilette
Head La tête
Heart Le cœur
Heel Le talon
High temperature la fièvre
Hip La hanche
Hospital gown (open at the back) Casaque / blouse opératoire
Infection Infection
Injection Piqûre
Intensive care Soins intensive
Jaw La mâchoire
Kidney Le rein
Knee Le genou
Liver Le foie
Lower back Les lombaires / les reins
Lungs Les poumons
Make the bed Faire le lit
Meal Un repas
Medicine (treatment) Médicament / traitement
Mouth La bouche
Muscle Le muscle
Nausea la nausée
Neck Le cou
Nightdress Chemise de nuit
Nose Le nez
Nurse Infirmière
Operating theatre Bloc opératoire
Operation Intervention chirurgicale
Operation Intervention
Out of breath essoufflé
Pain killer Calmant
Paramedics SAMU
Permission to operate Autorisation d’opérer
Physio after an accident Re-éducation
Physiotherapist Kinésithérapeute
Physiotherapy Kinésithérapie
Pill Cachet / Comprime
Pyjamas Pyjama
Rib La côte
Scratch une égratignure
Sensitive Sensible
Set up a drip Faire une perfusion
Shoulder L’épaule
Sleeping pill Somnifère
Slippers Pantoufles
Soap Le savon
Sore endolori
Spleen La rate
Sticking plaster Sparadrap / pansement adhésif
Stitches Points de suture
Stomach (external) Le ventre
Stomach (internal) L'estomac
Stretcher Brancard
Surgeon Chirurgien
Surgical dressing Pansement
Swelling une bosse
Swollen enfle
Take your blood pressure Contrôler votre tension
Teeth Les dents
Tender sensible
Tendon Le tendon
Thigh La cuisse
Throat La gorge
Thumb Le pouce
Tired fatigue
Toenail L'ongle du pied
Toes Les orteils
Tongue Le langue
Towel Une serviette
Ulcer ulcère
Water L'eau
Wheelchair Fauteuil roulant
Wounded blessé
Wrist Le poignet
X-ray Radio
Call an ambulance Appeler une ambulance
Call the emergency services Appeler le urgences
Call the police Appeler la police
Do not get up Ne pas se lever
Do you know an English speeking doctor? Connaissez-vous un médecin qui parle anglais?
Do you want an injection? Voulez-vous une piqûre?
I am allergic to… Je suis allergique a / a la / aux…
I am constipated Je suis constipé(e)
I am diabetic J'ai le diabète
I am going to faint Je vais m’evanouir
I am in pain J'ai mal
I am taking medication Je prends des médicament
I don't feel very well Je ne me sens pas tres bien
I feel better Je me sens mieux
I feel sick J'ai envie de vomir / J'ai mal au cœur
I feel bad Je me sens mal
I feel weak Je me sent faible
I feel worse Je me sens moins bien
I fell over Je suis tomber
I have a broken bone J’ai une fracture
I have a broken tooth J'ai une dent cassée
I have a chest cold J’ai une bronchite
I have a cold Je suis enrhumé
I have a cold J’ai une rhume
I have a got fever J’ai de la fievre
I have a headache J'ai mal à la tête
I have a sore throat / tonsilitis J'ai mal a la gorge / j'ai une angine
I have a wound J’ai une blessure
I have an abscess J'ai un abcès
I have an abscess J’ai un abcès
I have back ache J'ai mal au dos
I have been sick J'ai vomi
I have burnt myself Je me suis brûlé
I have chest pains J’ai des douleur à la poitrine
I have cut myself Je me suis coupé
I have flu J'ai la grippe
I have gor a head ache J’ai mal à la tête
I have got a headache J’ai mal à la tête
I have got a sore throat J’ai mal à la gorge
I have got a stomach ache J’ai mal à l’estomac
I have got cramps J’ai des cramps
I have got diarrhea J’ai la diarrhea
I have had a heart attack J’ai eu une crise cardiaque
I have lost a filling J'ai perdu un plombage
I have pain J'ai de la douleur
I have pains in the chest J'ai mal à la poitrine
I have shivers J’ai des frissons
I have stomach ache J'ai mal au ventre
I have the flu J’ai la grippe
I have to see a doctor J'ai dois de voir un médecin
I have toothache J'ai mal aux dents
I have wind J'ai des gaz
I need a bedpan J’ai besoin d'un bassin
I think it's broken Je pense que c'est cassé
I want a pee Je veux faire pipi
I'm bleeding Je saigne
I'm dizzy J’ai la vertige
I'm hungry J'ai faim
I'm sick Je suis malade
I'm sweating Je transpire
I'm thirsty J'ai soif
Is it serious? C’est grave?
It hurts everywhere J’ai mal partôut
It hurts here J’ai mal ici
It is painful since… C'est douloureux depuis…
Its swelling Ca enfle
I've been sick J'ai vomi
I've got the shivers J'ai des frissons
Permanent filling Obturation définitive
Stay lying down Restez allongé
Temporary filling Obturation provisoire
That hurts ça me fait Mal
That hurts! Ca me fait mal !
That is very painful C'est très douloureux
That itches Ca me démange
That itches Ca me gratte
That tickles Ca me chatouille
That's too loose Ce n'est pas assez serré
That's too tight C'est trop serré
There has been an accident Il y a eu un accident
To have a bowel movement (phoo) Aller à la selle (faire caca)
To ring (for a nurse) Sonner l'infermiere
To urinate Uriner (faire pipi)
Where is the Chemist? Ou se trouve la pharmacie?
Where is the Doctors? Ou se trouve un medecin?
Where is the Hospital? Ou se trouve l'hôpital?



Expat Financial Advisors

Contact Brian Furzer


Mob: 06 25 36 30 65



Along with the resources of The Spectrum IFA Group, one of Europe’s leading independent intermediaries, Brian Furzer brings more than 30 years experience to the financial services industry. He specialises in

 addressing the unique financial planning needs of expatriates and those with cross-border interests and has a detailed knowledge of international product providers and tax-efficient structures that can assist in asset building, asset protection and, ultimately, estate planning.

As an independent adviser, Brian provides clients with the advantage of unbiased financial planning advice. He has access to many of the world’s most respected international banking, investment management and insurance institutions, which brings his clients the competitive advantages and convenience of being able to access multiple managers and product providers through one source.

Brian does not charge consulting fees for providing you with advice or on-going service. The Spectrum IFA Group receives industry-standard fees directly from the financial institutions with which they place their clients’ investments - not directly from clients.

Clients have varied needs, but typically either have disposable income they wish to invest regularly towards their medium to long-term goals, or have accrued capital they would like to invest for growth or to provide an income. Clients are introduced to Brian either by personal introduction (referral by existing clients), or by means of professional introduction (by financial institutions, employer Human Resources departments or by professional service providers such as accountants, lawyers, trust managers or relocation specialists).

Brian works with clients of all ages, wealth and financial experience. It is a well-established principle that people who plan for their goals are far more likely to reach them than those who don’t!

Other Information

He is a French resident and lives in the unspoilt countryside of the Charente Maritime bordering on Aquitaine between Bordeaux and La Rochelle.Keen on outdoor pursuits and nature generally, Brian is an accomplished flyfisher for trout and salmon and has qualified for the English Flyfishing Team and has published four books internationally on flyfishing. The Charente Maritime is the perfect environment for pursuing his interest of observing nature, particularly the varied birdlife of the area.

Brian is a member of the Franco British Chamber of Commerce & Industry. 

Brian provides an initial confidential consultation to:

• Assist you in evaluating existing pensions, protection (insurance) and savings / investment provision in a comprehensible manner.

• Identify and prioritise your financial objectives (short, medium and long-term).

• Identify how to reach those objectives, on the basis of resources you can comfortably engage. Importantly, he will focus on present and future tax-efficiency, product portability, your attitude to risk and events that may threaten the financial wellbeing of you and your dependents.

Next he will prepare a report recommending solutions matching your requirements and include any relevant product literature and illustrations to enable you to make an informed decision. Crucially, Spectrum are not agents for any particular company- representing clients from an unbiased position of independence. We feel that this strongly sets us apart from dealing directly with large institutions, where you may experience less-personal service, a high turnover of staff familiar with your circumstances and where there may be a bias to recommend their own products and services.

Spectrum’s recommendations are made without obligation or charge. You are free to accept our advice wholly, partly or not at all. We are pleased also to negotiate and arrange access to holdings specifically of your choice.




Why use Currencies Direct? - the benefits.

Challenging traditional banking conventions, Currencies Direct guarantees to beat any retail bank both in price and service. From the moment we were established our aim has been simple. To provide a personalised service and save our clients money from dealing with traditional banks.

  • Increasing your spending power. Because we deal directly with the currency markets we can offer the best foreign money exchange rates that the banks find hard to beat. These great foreign currency exchange rates mean that you get more for your money.
  • Saving you money. We want to make sure that you get the best forex deals you can so that's why we offer all our clients free transfers (over £5,000) and charge no commission. Plus, Currencies Direct does not charge lifting/receiving fees on forex transfers.
  • Tailored to your circumstances. As specialist foreign exchange brokers we are able to offer a number of product choices for foreign exchange including spot deals, forward contracts and limit orders. Which one is right for you will depend on your circumstances, foreign currency needs and timing.
  • Easy to deal with. You can trade in forex with us by phone, talking directly to a currency specialist, electronically or by fax. The first step is to become a registered private or business customer. Our registration process is second to none. You can register with us online and be ready to trade in minutes.
  • Make regular payments overseas. Mortgage, maintenance, insurance - whatever your reason for making regular money transfers Currencies Direct's Overseas Regular Money Transfer Plan can save you money. With free forex transfers, great foreign exchange rates and low minimum amounts we really make is easy to keep benefiting from our great service. Click here for more information.
  • For businesses, we are committed to delivering excellence in customer service and solutions to help your business grow and compete more effectively within the global market place.

Currencies Direct Limited is a leading payment technology solutions company and it was one of Europe's first independent foreign exchange specialists in 1996 to recognise the need in the market for an expert secondary Foreign Exchange provider to traditional banks. Its innovative approach is based on dealing directly with the currency markets and matching buyers with sellers thus eliminating intermediaries and giving it a competitive edge in pricing foreign exchange. Twelve years on Currencies Direct is now one of Europe's largest foreign exchange specialist with a head office and operations across 5 continents, with 2,000 strong franchise network of business partners and is part of the Azibo Group.

 Trust a specialist to Get it Right on Overseas Transfers 

Many of us send money abroad for various reasons. Anything from emigrating; purchasing a holiday home; paying a mortgage or covering monthly business costs, we do this through the obvious vehicle - our bank. The disappointing factor with this choice is we lose money every time we do this, either through bank charges such as transfer fees or through poor foreign exchange rates. Naturally we all trust our bank to handle financial matters, but we don’t consider other options for transferring funds abroad, most probably because we aren’t aware of the benefits of using a specialist foreign exchange provider.

For those who are aware of the charges from the bank and negotiate a better deal; need to consider that banks are often prepared to waive their fee or charges because they can make a substantial profit on offering a poor foreign exchange rate. So however you look at it the banks make money and you lose money on international transfers, the larger the transfer, the more you have to lose. 

Every year at Currencies Direct we see new clients joining us; it never ceases to astonish us how much money our clients lose through banks and how much they saved through our services especially on large transfers* or small regular overseas payments. We charge no fees for transfers over £5000 and regular transfers are also fee-free. 

You will wonder how businesses like our own make money if you are saving so much? This is simple, we buy £2bn worth of foreign exchange each year so we are able to purchase our currency at wholesale rates. We pass on most of these savings to you, retaining a small margin for ourselves. We guarantee to always beat the banks on exchange rates. 

Transferring your funds overseas is very straightforward with Currencies Direct. We process 220 000 payments a year so we have the expertise to make payments swiftly and painlessly. As soon as we receive your funds, we send out the payment immediately to the bank account details you have provided. We send payments to bank accounts in 50 countries and trade in 45 different currencies giving you a wide choice of where you can make transfers. 

Working as a specialist broker gives us the advantage of finding the best rates for you and offering you a more personal service, we have numerous solutions that can be tailored to meet your needs. Once you have registered for our service you will receive a personal dealer who will handle your foreign exchange payments, their  job is to ensure you receive the best rates as well as giving you the option of buying the rate now or when it meets a target set by you and the dealer. The dealer will discuss with you the best option for your needs. You can make international transfers by speaking to your dealer and agreeing a contract or you can use our online system iPayFX.  

Currencies Direct offer a wide range of services to assist you with your international payments. The bottom line is – your best interests are our focus. 

Written by Karl Sieha,  Currencies Direct 

*Currencies Direct can typically save clients up to three per cent of the overall amount of money being transferred compared to mainstream banks. And, unlike most other exchanges, it does not charge a commission and waives its transaction fee on deals above £5,000.




 If you're thinking of buying a property in France, you can't afford to miss
The French Village at 
A Place in the Sun Live on  

28th-30th September 2012, NEC Birmingham 

 The experts on France,, work in association with A Place in the Sun to host the boutique French Village at our forthcoming exhibition. 

The French Village at A Place in the Sun Live, combines a mix of agents and developers with thousands of French properties for sale from across the country, alongside a detailed seminar programme featuring advice from French property experts and Q&A sessions. Together, the experts in the village will ensure that the committed Francophile is up to speed on all aspects of buying property and living in France. 

Editor of, David Yeates, will be chairing a series of presentations from industry experts on how to buy property and live in France. It's vital to understand everything from tax and healthcare issues through to the legal pitfalls to avoid before you embark on your property purchase. That's why we've got the specialists on-hand to give you insider knowledge such as Duncan Campbell from Siddalls Financial Services and David Johnson from Halo Financial.

And if you just want to get a feel for what it's like to actually  live in France, then don't miss Joanna Leggett from Leggett Immobilier's session each day where she'll be telling you what its really like to learn the language, get around and mix with the locals in this wonderful country. 

And of course there are hundreds of beautiful French properties to whet your appetite. 

Make sure you come prepared to ask plenty of questions - we challenge you to ask our experts something they don't know! 

 A Place in the Sun Live is the perfect place to seek information and meat professionals when you're thinking of buying a property overseas.

There's also a packed schedule of free-to-attend seminar sessions, where experts from across the industry will be talking about the things that are important to you when buying a home abroad. There are sessions on everything from transferring your currency when buying a property in France, to what healthcare and pension entitlements you can expect in Cyprus and almost everything in between.A Place in the Sun Live is a great informal atmosphere where you can meet agents and take the time to ask all the questions you want answered so you can compare and contrast the different properties and deals on offer.

The Main Stage sponsored by MBi Consulting is at the heart of the action where our TV presenters Amanda Lamb, Jasmine Harman and Jonnie Irwin will be sharing their experiences of house-huning overseas - all the sessions are free, just get there early if you want a seat!
The Buying Advice Seminar Theatre sponsored by will offer seminar sessions on buying in Spain, Cyprus and Turkey, as well as sessions on financing your property and emigration.

There are also series of country-themed villages and pavilion areas within the show with dedicated seminar theatres, where you can get specific advice on the most popular destinations to buy a property abroad.

The French Village in association with the experts on France, and sponsored by Halo Financial has its own dedicated seminar theatre and is surrounded by agents selling property from all four corners of France. Plus there are experts on tax, healthcare and all the other important topics you need to understand before buying a property in France. 


The French Village at London's Earls Court will be hosting their popular ‘French Village’ at A Place in the Sun Live exhibition at London's Earls Court, 30th March - 1st April.

A Place in the Sun Live is the largest overseas property exhibition in the UK and our French Village is a major display area at the event.

As well as offering a selection of properties from agents and private vendors across France, there will be an opportunity to hear from a range of specialist speakers on buying property and living in France.

Amongst the exhibitors will be Halo Financial, Siddalls Financial Advisors Ltd, Leggett Immobilier, Furley Page Solicitors, Soficas Medical Insurers, Richard Immobilier, International Private Finance, Le Bonheur Immobilier, Charente Immobilier, and Move Vitesse Removals

There is a packed seminar programme for the three days of the show, with rolling presentations from expert speakers, together with ‘Ask the Experts’ panel sessions.

The seminars will cover some of the key issues of concern to French property buyers:

  • Legal process of Buying Property
  • French Taxation and Inheritance
  • Health Cover
  • Currency Management
  • Living in France
  • Getting a Mortgage

The seminars will be overseen by David Yeates, News Editor of

They will be free to attend on a first come, first served basis. will be offering a free ‘Guide to Buying Property in France’, and visitors will also be able to meet the team to discuss their French property needs and aspirations. is one of the leading Anglophone sites for property listings in France, with around 13,000 properties and over 100 agents on our site.

In recent years we have also developed an authoritative source of information and advice on buying property and living in France, through our Guides to France and Newsletter. 

 French Village Shines at A Place in the Sun Live NEC 2011

A strong turnout last weekend at the French Village, A Place in the Sun Live, does suggest that the tide may well be turning on interest in buying property in France.

Pat Monk, Managing Director of stated, 'This was the fourth occasion when we have hosted the French Village at the APITS property exhibition. Given the current climate, it was also one we approached with a fair degree of apprehension.

So it was with great delight and surprise to find that when the doors to the exhibition opened on Friday morning we were quickly overrun with dozens of visitors looking for a property to buy, and for further information on living in France.'

Over the whole of the three day event, we estimate between 1500 and 2000 people called in on the French Village.

Not only were there particulars available on hundreds of properties for sale, but also estate agents and experts on hand to discuss all aspects of buying property and living in France.

A large number of the seminars we ran over the three days were completely full, with standing room only in many cases.

Perhaps of as much interest as the turnout was the quality of those who came along to the show, with the vast majority of visitors clearly very interested in relocating to France, determined to learn as much about how best to do it and what to expect.

John Richardson of French mortgage brokers International Private Finance Ltd, one of the exhibitors in the French Village, stated that, ‘Despite the negative headlines currently dominating the press it was refreshing to see first-hand the enthusiasm that remains amongst potential buyers of second homes in France.’

‘The show also provided a great opportunity to speak to potential buyers face-to-face and understand what information they are looking for, where they are looking to buy, and concerns they may have regarding the process and the availability of French mortgages,’ he stated.

A similar view was expressed by 
Tony Mason of medical insurance brokers Soficas.
’We were amazed to at the size of the turnout for our seminar presentations and the clear level of interest that those who attended expressed in finding out more about their health insurance options when they relocate to France’, he stated.

For Sarah Bogard of solicitors Furley Page 'The exhibition is a major event in the calendar and the Birmingham show was once again a great success. Our legal team met many people to talk about their ambitions to move over to France to live, as well as a good number in search of a holiday home. We find the French Village a fantastic one stop shop for all the key information required for anyone considering such a life changing move.'

Sally Stone of property management company Les Bons Voisins stated, 'Our company prides itself on doing what it says on the tin, so I can only say how pleased we are to be part of the French Village at A Place in the Sun exhibitions. Under the overall umbrella of the breadth of information and assistance available to visitors is second to none.'

David Johnson, Director of Halo Financial Ltd, currency brokers and sponsors of the French Village also considered that there was a definite increase in interest in buying property in France.'We took more enquiries on the first day of the exhibition than we did over the three days of the London exhibition in March. There is no doubting it; despite the uncertainty that is around, France is getting back on track.’


Le Tour de Finance 2012

VIP Invite 

Soficas are proud to be part of the premier expat event coming to your local area.
We’d love you to be part of an exciting FREE event on the expat calendar in September.
Le Tour de Finance is an event for British expats looking for information on a range of different financial products and services from investments to pensions, healthcare to international transfers and banking to taxation.
You can find out everything you need to know about the different tax laws, expat regulations and how to make the most of your money, while chatting to like-minded people from your area over lunch and refreshments.

  ·         Free entry   ·         Free expert seminars   ·         Free lunch and refreshments

Dates and Venues

Wednesday 12th September    Golf de Saint Junien 87200 Saint Junien

Thursday 13th September    Golf de la Marterie 24260 Mortemart


11.45   Welcome to guests

12.00   5 companies giving 10-15 minute presentations at certain points during the 3 course meal.
Only one company will represent a specialist area i.e. banking, pensions, healthcare, mortgages etc

14.00   Questions and chat to the speakers, Prize draw and Carriages 

 If you’d like more information or you’re able to attend please email: or call Pippa Maile on tel: +33 (0) 489 829 206 or mobile +33 (0) 672 096 495.
We will email you the full agenda and directions to your local event.



Health cover in France - A few definitions


Understanding The French System     l     Examples of Reimbursements

Hospitalization     l     Key Words     l     Usefull Phrases



Understanding The French System:


Unlike the English system, the French regime makes no difference between the public and private treatments
(the reimbursement rates are identical).
On the other-hand, the 'Sécurité Sociale' alone does not cover the entirety of your expenses.

First column represents the total cost of your medical treatment.

Second column shows the possible reimbursements:

Orange = reimbursable with minimum cover

Orange to Red = Only reimbursable with higher cover or not at all.

Third column indicates where the reimbursements could come from.

Click on each column to see their individual definitions:




French Regime definitions


Examples of reimbursement:


 SOFICAS clients benifit fully from the French system as we use French companies that know thier subject.

Automatic reimbursements using only your "Carte Vitale".

"Tiers Payant"
No money to be advanced at the chemist / lab / x-ray and more.

"Prise en charge"
Possible on demand even for Optical and Dentistry.

Hospitals stay expenses can be paid directly by your "Top-Up".
"Frais de séjours and chambre particulière"

Hospitalization / Hospitalisation:


The question of payment will come after your wellbeing 
If you are in an emergency situation, you will be taken care of regardless of your nationality, professional or financial situation. 
However, after this point or if you have a planned hospital stay you could be asked for a “PEC”.
This "PEC" enables the hospital or Clinique to claim amounts due for your treatments directly from your "Régime Obligatoire" and eventually your "TOP-UP".

If you are in France on holiday you may present your “EHIC”.
 You will be asked for your blood group card - "carte de groupe sanguin'".
 They will ask about allergies - "avez-vous des allergies?" or "êtes-vous allergique?".
 You will be asked for your med
ical history - "antécédents médicaux ou chirurgicaux".
 You will be asked about any medication you are taking – "Quel est votre traitement actuel / courant/ en cours?"
 They will ask about your diet – "Avez-vous un régime spécial?"  Without salt – "Sans sel"   Without sugar – "Sans sucre"   Gluten free – "Sans gluten"





Key Words:



Useful Phrases:


Aching Douloureux
Ambulance Ambulance
Anaesthetic Anesthésique
Anaesthetic Anesthésie
Ankle La cheville
Appendix L'appendice
Arm Le bras
Assistant nurse Aide soignante
Back Le dos
Back of the neck La nuque
Bedpan Un bassin
Bell / buzzer Sonnette
Bladder La vessie
Blood Le sang
Blood test Prise de sang
Blood test (results) Résultat sanguin, Bilan sanguin
Blood test to be taken fasting Prise de sang à jeun
Body Le corps
Bone L'os
Bottle Une bouteille
Bowels Les intestins
Brain Le cerveau
Breast Le sein
Bruise Un bleu /une contusion / un hématome
Burn une brûlure
Burning sensation Sensation de chaleur / douleur cuisante
Buttocks / bottom Les fesses
Calf Le mollet
Capsule Gélule
Car accident Accident de la route
Casualty / A&E Urgences
Change your dressing Faire votre pansement
Cheeks Les joues
Chest La poitrine
Chin Le menton
Collarbone La clavicule
Contraceptive pill La pilule
Cough / a cough Tousser / une toux
Covered in bruised Etre couvert de bleus
Crushed Ecrasé / broyé
Crutches Les béquilles
Cut coupe
Dizziness le vertige
Doctor Médecin
Drawsheet L’alèse
Dressing gown Robe de chambre
Drink (A) Une boisson
Drink (To) Boire
Ear L'oreille
Eat Manger
ECG Electrocardiogramme (électro)
Elbow Le coude
Exhausted épuisé
Eye (eyes) L’œil (Les yeux)
Face Le visage
Face flannel Un gant de toilette
Feel sick J'ai des nausées / J'ai mal au cœur
Feel unwell / faint J'ai un malaise / j'ai la tête qui tourne
Finger Le doigt
Fingernail L'ongle
Foot Le pied
Forehead Le front
Gall bladder La vésicule biliaire
Get undressed Déshabillez-vous
Grazed écorché
Gum Gencive
Hand La main
Have a wash Faire sa toilette
Head La tête
Heart Le cœur
Heel Le talon
High temperature la fièvre
Hip La hanche
Hospital gown (open at the back) Casaque / blouse opératoire
Infection Infection
Injection Piqûre
Intensive care Soins intensive
Jaw La mâchoire
Kidney Le rein
Knee Le genou
Liver Le foie
Lower back Les lombaires / les reins
Lungs Les poumons
Make the bed Faire le lit
Meal Un repas
Medicine (treatment) Médicament / traitement
Mouth La bouche
Muscle Le muscle
Nausea la nausée
Neck Le cou
Nightdress Chemise de nuit
Nose Le nez
Nurse Infirmière
Operating theatre Bloc opératoire
Operation Intervention chirurgicale
Operation Intervention
Out of breath essoufflé
Pain killer Calmant
Paramedics SAMU
Permission to operate Autorisation d’opérer
Physio after an accident Re-éducation
Physiotherapist Kinésithérapeute
Physiotherapy Kinésithérapie
Pill Cachet / Comprime
Pyjamas Pyjama
Rib La côte
Scratch une égratignure
Sensitive Sensible
Set up a drip Faire une perfusion
Shoulder L’épaule
Sleeping pill Somnifère
Slippers Pantoufles
Soap Le savon
Sore endolori
Spleen La rate
Sticking plaster Sparadrap / pansement adhésif
Stitches Points de suture
Stomach (external) Le ventre
Stomach (internal) L'estomac
Stretcher Brancard
Surgeon Chirurgien
Surgical dressing Pansement
Swelling une bosse
Swollen enfle
Take your blood pressure Contrôler votre tension
Teeth Les dents
Tender sensible
Tendon Le tendon
Thigh La cuisse
Throat La gorge
Thumb Le pouce
Tired fatigue
Toenail L'ongle du pied
Toes Les orteils
Tongue Le langue
Towel Une serviette
Ulcer ulcère
Water L'eau
Wheelchair Fauteuil roulant
Wounded blessé
Wrist Le poignet
X-ray Radio
Call an ambulance Appeler une ambulance
Call the emergency services Appeler le urgences
Call the police Appeler la police
Do not get up Ne pas se lever
Do you know an English speeking doctor? Connaissez-vous un médecin qui parle anglais?
Do you want an injection? Voulez-vous une piqûre?
I am allergic to… Je suis allergique a / a la / aux…
I am constipated Je suis constipé(e)
I am diabetic J'ai le diabète
I am going to faint Je vais m’evanouir
I am in pain J'ai mal
I am taking medication Je prends des médicament
I don't feel very well Je ne me sens pas tres bien
I feel better Je me sens mieux
I feel sick J'ai envie de vomir / J'ai mal au cœur
I feel bad Je me sens mal
I feel weak Je me sent faible
I feel worse Je me sens moins bien
I fell over Je suis tomber
I have a broken bone J’ai une fracture
I have a broken tooth J'ai une dent cassée
I have a chest cold J’ai une bronchite
I have a cold Je suis enrhumé
I have a cold J’ai une rhume
I have a got fever J’ai de la fievre
I have a headache J'ai mal à la tête
I have a sore throat / tonsilitis J'ai mal a la gorge / j'ai une angine
I have a wound J’ai une blessure
I have an abscess J'ai un abcès
I have an abscess J’ai un abcès
I have back ache J'ai mal au dos
I have been sick J'ai vomi
I have burnt myself Je me suis brûlé
I have chest pains J’ai des douleur à la poitrine
I have cut myself Je me suis coupé
I have flu J'ai la grippe
I have gor a head ache J’ai mal à la tête
I have got a headache J’ai mal à la tête
I have got a sore throat J’ai mal à la gorge
I have got a stomach ache J’ai mal à l’estomac
I have got cramps J’ai des cramps
I have got diarrhea J’ai la diarrhea
I have had a heart attack J’ai eu une crise cardiaque
I have lost a filling J'ai perdu un plombage
I have pain J'ai de la douleur
I have pains in the chest J'ai mal à la poitrine
I have shivers J’ai des frissons
I have stomach ache J'ai mal au ventre
I have the flu J’ai la grippe
I have to see a doctor J'ai dois de voir un médecin
I have toothache J'ai mal aux dents
I have wind J'ai des gaz
I need a bedpan J’ai besoin d'un bassin
I think it's broken Je pense que c'est cassé
I want a pee Je veux faire pipi
I'm bleeding Je saigne
I'm dizzy J’ai la vertige
I'm hungry J'ai faim
I'm sick Je suis malade
I'm sweating Je transpire
I'm thirsty J'ai soif
Is it serious? C’est grave?
It hurts everywhere J’ai mal partôut
It hurts here J’ai mal ici
It is painful since… C'est douloureux depuis…
Its swelling Ca enfle
I've been sick J'ai vomi
I've got the shivers J'ai des frissons
Permanent filling Obturation définitive
Stay lying down Restez allongé
Temporary filling Obturation provisoire
That hurts ça me fait Mal
That hurts! Ca me fait mal !
That is very painful C'est très douloureux
That itches Ca me démange
That itches Ca me gratte
That tickles Ca me chatouille
That's too loose Ce n'est pas assez serré
That's too tight C'est trop serré
There has been an accident Il y a eu un accident
To have a bowel movement (phoo) Aller à la selle (faire caca)
To ring (for a nurse) Sonner l'infermiere
To urinate Uriner (faire pipi)
Where is the Chemist? Ou se trouve la pharmacie?
Where is the Doctors? Ou se trouve un medecin?
Where is the Hospital? Ou se trouve l'hôpital?



Expat Financial Advisors

Contact Brian Furzer


Mob: 06 25 36 30 65



Along with the resources of The Spectrum IFA Group, one of Europe’s leading independent intermediaries, Brian Furzer brings more than 30 years experience to the financial services industry. He specialises in

 addressing the unique financial planning needs of expatriates and those with cross-border interests and has a detailed knowledge of international product providers and tax-efficient structures that can assist in asset building, asset protection and, ultimately, estate planning.

As an independent adviser, Brian provides clients with the advantage of unbiased financial planning advice. He has access to many of the world’s most respected international banking, investment management and insurance institutions, which brings his clients the competitive advantages and convenience of being able to access multiple managers and product providers through one source.

Brian does not charge consulting fees for providing you with advice or on-going service. The Spectrum IFA Group receives industry-standard fees directly from the financial institutions with which they place their clients’ investments - not directly from clients.

Clients have varied needs, but typically either have disposable income they wish to invest regularly towards their medium to long-term goals, or have accrued capital they would like to invest for growth or to provide an income. Clients are introduced to Brian either by personal introduction (referral by existing clients), or by means of professional introduction (by financial institutions, employer Human Resources departments or by professional service providers such as accountants, lawyers, trust managers or relocation specialists).

Brian works with clients of all ages, wealth and financial experience. It is a well-established principle that people who plan for their goals are far more likely to reach them than those who don’t!

Other Information

He is a French resident and lives in the unspoilt countryside of the Charente Maritime bordering on Aquitaine between Bordeaux and La Rochelle.Keen on outdoor pursuits and nature generally, Brian is an accomplished flyfisher for trout and salmon and has qualified for the English Flyfishing Team and has published four books internationally on flyfishing. The Charente Maritime is the perfect environment for pursuing his interest of observing nature, particularly the varied birdlife of the area.

Brian is a member of the Franco British Chamber of Commerce & Industry. 

Brian provides an initial confidential consultation to:

• Assist you in evaluating existing pensions, protection (insurance) and savings / investment provision in a comprehensible manner.

• Identify and prioritise your financial objectives (short, medium and long-term).

• Identify how to reach those objectives, on the basis of resources you can comfortably engage. Importantly, he will focus on present and future tax-efficiency, product portability, your attitude to risk and events that may threaten the financial wellbeing of you and your dependents.

Next he will prepare a report recommending solutions matching your requirements and include any relevant product literature and illustrations to enable you to make an informed decision. Crucially, Spectrum are not agents for any particular company- representing clients from an unbiased position of independence. We feel that this strongly sets us apart from dealing directly with large institutions, where you may experience less-personal service, a high turnover of staff familiar with your circumstances and where there may be a bias to recommend their own products and services.

Spectrum’s recommendations are made without obligation or charge. You are free to accept our advice wholly, partly or not at all. We are pleased also to negotiate and arrange access to holdings specifically of your choice.




Why use Currencies Direct? - the benefits.

Challenging traditional banking conventions, Currencies Direct guarantees to beat any retail bank both in price and service. From the moment we were established our aim has been simple. To provide a personalised service and save our clients money from dealing with traditional banks.

  • Increasing your spending power. Because we deal directly with the currency markets we can offer the best foreign money exchange rates that the banks find hard to beat. These great foreign currency exchange rates mean that you get more for your money.
  • Saving you money. We want to make sure that you get the best forex deals you can so that's why we offer all our clients free transfers (over £5,000) and charge no commission. Plus, Currencies Direct does not charge lifting/receiving fees on forex transfers.
  • Tailored to your circumstances. As specialist foreign exchange brokers we are able to offer a number of product choices for foreign exchange including spot deals, forward contracts and limit orders. Which one is right for you will depend on your circumstances, foreign currency needs and timing.
  • Easy to deal with. You can trade in forex with us by phone, talking directly to a currency specialist, electronically or by fax. The first step is to become a registered private or business customer. Our registration process is second to none. You can register with us online and be ready to trade in minutes.
  • Make regular payments overseas. Mortgage, maintenance, insurance - whatever your reason for making regular money transfers Currencies Direct's Overseas Regular Money Transfer Plan can save you money. With free forex transfers, great foreign exchange rates and low minimum amounts we really make is easy to keep benefiting from our great service. Click here for more information.
  • For businesses, we are committed to delivering excellence in customer service and solutions to help your business grow and compete more effectively within the global market place.

Currencies Direct Limited is a leading payment technology solutions company and it was one of Europe's first independent foreign exchange specialists in 1996 to recognise the need in the market for an expert secondary Foreign Exchange provider to traditional banks. Its innovative approach is based on dealing directly with the currency markets and matching buyers with sellers thus eliminating intermediaries and giving it a competitive edge in pricing foreign exchange. Twelve years on Currencies Direct is now one of Europe's largest foreign exchange specialist with a head office and operations across 5 continents, with 2,000 strong franchise network of business partners and is part of the Azibo Group.

 Trust a specialist to Get it Right on Overseas Transfers 

Many of us send money abroad for various reasons. Anything from emigrating; purchasing a holiday home; paying a mortgage or covering monthly business costs, we do this through the obvious vehicle - our bank. The disappointing factor with this choice is we lose money every time we do this, either through bank charges such as transfer fees or through poor foreign exchange rates. Naturally we all trust our bank to handle financial matters, but we don’t consider other options for transferring funds abroad, most probably because we aren’t aware of the benefits of using a specialist foreign exchange provider.

For those who are aware of the charges from the bank and negotiate a better deal; need to consider that banks are often prepared to waive their fee or charges because they can make a substantial profit on offering a poor foreign exchange rate. So however you look at it the banks make money and you lose money on international transfers, the larger the transfer, the more you have to lose. 

Every year at Currencies Direct we see new clients joining us; it never ceases to astonish us how much money our clients lose through banks and how much they saved through our services especially on large transfers* or small regular overseas payments. We charge no fees for transfers over £5000 and regular transfers are also fee-free. 

You will wonder how businesses like our own make money if you are saving so much? This is simple, we buy £2bn worth of foreign exchange each year so we are able to purchase our currency at wholesale rates. We pass on most of these savings to you, retaining a small margin for ourselves. We guarantee to always beat the banks on exchange rates. 

Transferring your funds overseas is very straightforward with Currencies Direct. We process 220 000 payments a year so we have the expertise to make payments swiftly and painlessly. As soon as we receive your funds, we send out the payment immediately to the bank account details you have provided. We send payments to bank accounts in 50 countries and trade in 45 different currencies giving you a wide choice of where you can make transfers. 

Working as a specialist broker gives us the advantage of finding the best rates for you and offering you a more personal service, we have numerous solutions that can be tailored to meet your needs. Once you have registered for our service you will receive a personal dealer who will handle your foreign exchange payments, their  job is to ensure you receive the best rates as well as giving you the option of buying the rate now or when it meets a target set by you and the dealer. The dealer will discuss with you the best option for your needs. You can make international transfers by speaking to your dealer and agreeing a contract or you can use our online system iPayFX.  

Currencies Direct offer a wide range of services to assist you with your international payments. The bottom line is – your best interests are our focus. 

Written by Karl Sieha,  Currencies Direct 

*Currencies Direct can typically save clients up to three per cent of the overall amount of money being transferred compared to mainstream banks. And, unlike most other exchanges, it does not charge a commission and waives its transaction fee on deals above £5,000.




 If you're thinking of buying a property in France, you can't afford to miss
The French Village at 
A Place in the Sun Live on  

28th-30th September 2012, NEC Birmingham 

 The experts on France,, work in association with A Place in the Sun to host the boutique French Village at our forthcoming exhibition. 

The French Village at A Place in the Sun Live, combines a mix of agents and developers with thousands of French properties for sale from across the country, alongside a detailed seminar programme featuring advice from French property experts and Q&A sessions. Together, the experts in the village will ensure that the committed Francophile is up to speed on all aspects of buying property and living in France. 

Editor of, David Yeates, will be chairing a series of presentations from industry experts on how to buy property and live in France. It's vital to understand everything from tax and healthcare issues through to the legal pitfalls to avoid before you embark on your property purchase. That's why we've got the specialists on-hand to give you insider knowledge such as Duncan Campbell from Siddalls Financial Services and David Johnson from Halo Financial.

And if you just want to get a feel for what it's like to actually  live in France, then don't miss Joanna Leggett from Leggett Immobilier's session each day where she'll be telling you what its really like to learn the language, get around and mix with the locals in this wonderful country. 

And of course there are hundreds of beautiful French properties to whet your appetite. 

Make sure you come prepared to ask plenty of questions - we challenge you to ask our experts something they don't know! 

 A Place in the Sun Live is the perfect place to seek information and meat professionals when you're thinking of buying a property overseas.

There's also a packed schedule of free-to-attend seminar sessions, where experts from across the industry will be talking about the things that are important to you when buying a home abroad. There are sessions on everything from transferring your currency when buying a property in France, to what healthcare and pension entitlements you can expect in Cyprus and almost everything in between.A Place in the Sun Live is a great informal atmosphere where you can meet agents and take the time to ask all the questions you want answered so you can compare and contrast the different properties and deals on offer.

The Main Stage sponsored by MBi Consulting is at the heart of the action where our TV presenters Amanda Lamb, Jasmine Harman and Jonnie Irwin will be sharing their experiences of house-huning overseas - all the sessions are free, just get there early if you want a seat!
The Buying Advice Seminar Theatre sponsored by will offer seminar sessions on buying in Spain, Cyprus and Turkey, as well as sessions on financing your property and emigration.

There are also series of country-themed villages and pavilion areas within the show with dedicated seminar theatres, where you can get specific advice on the most popular destinations to buy a property abroad.

The French Village in association with the experts on France, and sponsored by Halo Financial has its own dedicated seminar theatre and is surrounded by agents selling property from all four corners of France. Plus there are experts on tax, healthcare and all the other important topics you need to understand before buying a property in France. 


The French Village at London's Earls Court will be hosting their popular ‘French Village’ at A Place in the Sun Live exhibition at London's Earls Court, 30th March - 1st April.

A Place in the Sun Live is the largest overseas property exhibition in the UK and our French Village is a major display area at the event.

As well as offering a selection of properties from agents and private vendors across France, there will be an opportunity to hear from a range of specialist speakers on buying property and living in France.

Amongst the exhibitors will be Halo Financial, Siddalls Financial Advisors Ltd, Leggett Immobilier, Furley Page Solicitors, Soficas Medical Insurers, Richard Immobilier, International Private Finance, Le Bonheur Immobilier, Charente Immobilier, and Move Vitesse Removals

There is a packed seminar programme for the three days of the show, with rolling presentations from expert speakers, together with ‘Ask the Experts’ panel sessions.

The seminars will cover some of the key issues of concern to French property buyers:

  • Legal process of Buying Property
  • French Taxation and Inheritance
  • Health Cover
  • Currency Management
  • Living in France
  • Getting a Mortgage

The seminars will be overseen by David Yeates, News Editor of

They will be free to attend on a first come, first served basis. will be offering a free ‘Guide to Buying Property in France’, and visitors will also be able to meet the team to discuss their French property needs and aspirations. is one of the leading Anglophone sites for property listings in France, with around 13,000 properties and over 100 agents on our site.

In recent years we have also developed an authoritative source of information and advice on buying property and living in France, through our Guides to France and Newsletter. 

 French Village Shines at A Place in the Sun Live NEC 2011

A strong turnout last weekend at the French Village, A Place in the Sun Live, does suggest that the tide may well be turning on interest in buying property in France.

Pat Monk, Managing Director of stated, 'This was the fourth occasion when we have hosted the French Village at the APITS property exhibition. Given the current climate, it was also one we approached with a fair degree of apprehension.

So it was with great delight and surprise to find that when the doors to the exhibition opened on Friday morning we were quickly overrun with dozens of visitors looking for a property to buy, and for further information on living in France.'

Over the whole of the three day event, we estimate between 1500 and 2000 people called in on the French Village.

Not only were there particulars available on hundreds of properties for sale, but also estate agents and experts on hand to discuss all aspects of buying property and living in France.

A large number of the seminars we ran over the three days were completely full, with standing room only in many cases.

Perhaps of as much interest as the turnout was the quality of those who came along to the show, with the vast majority of visitors clearly very interested in relocating to France, determined to learn as much about how best to do it and what to expect.

John Richardson of French mortgage brokers International Private Finance Ltd, one of the exhibitors in the French Village, stated that, ‘Despite the negative headlines currently dominating the press it was refreshing to see first-hand the enthusiasm that remains amongst potential buyers of second homes in France.’

‘The show also provided a great opportunity to speak to potential buyers face-to-face and understand what information they are looking for, where they are looking to buy, and concerns they may have regarding the process and the availability of French mortgages,’ he stated.

A similar view was expressed by 
Tony Mason of medical insurance brokers Soficas.
’We were amazed to at the size of the turnout for our seminar presentations and the clear level of interest that those who attended expressed in finding out more about their health insurance options when they relocate to France’, he stated.

For Sarah Bogard of solicitors Furley Page 'The exhibition is a major event in the calendar and the Birmingham show was once again a great success. Our legal team met many people to talk about their ambitions to move over to France to live, as well as a good number in search of a holiday home. We find the French Village a fantastic one stop shop for all the key information required for anyone considering such a life changing move.'

Sally Stone of property management company Les Bons Voisins stated, 'Our company prides itself on doing what it says on the tin, so I can only say how pleased we are to be part of the French Village at A Place in the Sun exhibitions. Under the overall umbrella of the breadth of information and assistance available to visitors is second to none.'

David Johnson, Director of Halo Financial Ltd, currency brokers and sponsors of the French Village also considered that there was a definite increase in interest in buying property in France.'We took more enquiries on the first day of the exhibition than we did over the three days of the London exhibition in March. There is no doubting it; despite the uncertainty that is around, France is getting back on track.’


Le Tour de Finance 2012

VIP Invite 

Soficas are proud to be part of the premier expat event coming to your local area.
We’d love you to be part of an exciting FREE event on the expat calendar in September.
Le Tour de Finance is an event for British expats looking for information on a range of different financial products and services from investments to pensions, healthcare to international transfers and banking to taxation.
You can find out everything you need to know about the different tax laws, expat regulations and how to make the most of your money, while chatting to like-minded people from your area over lunch and refreshments.

  ·         Free entry   ·         Free expert seminars   ·         Free lunch and refreshments

Dates and Venues

Wednesday 12th September    Golf de Saint Junien 87200 Saint Junien

Thursday 13th September    Golf de la Marterie 24260 Mortemart


11.45   Welcome to guests

12.00   5 companies giving 10-15 minute presentations at certain points during the 3 course meal.
Only one company will represent a specialist area i.e. banking, pensions, healthcare, mortgages etc

14.00   Questions and chat to the speakers, Prize draw and Carriages 

 If you’d like more information or you’re able to attend please email: or call Pippa Maile on tel: +33 (0) 489 829 206 or mobile +33 (0) 672 096 495.
We will email you the full agenda and directions to your local event.



Currency Watch & Converter

Trust a specialist to Get it Right on Overseas Transfers


Many of us send money abroad for various reasons. Anything from emigrating; purchasing a holiday home; paying a mortgage or covering monthly business costs, we do this through the obvious vehicle - our bank. The disappointing factor with this choice is we lose money every time we do this, either through bank charges such as transfer fees or through poor foreign exchange rates. Naturally we all trust our bank to handle financial matters, but we don’t consider other options for transferring funds abroad, most probably because we aren’t aware of the benefits of using a specialist foreign exchange provider.


For those who are aware of the charges from the bank and negotiate a better deal; need to consider that banks are often prepared to waive their fee or charges because they can make a substantial profit on offering a poor foreign exchange rate. So however you look at it the banks make money and you lose money on international transfers, the larger the transfer, the more you have to lose.


Every year at Currencies Direct we see new clients joining us; it never ceases to astonish us how much money our clients lose through banks and how much they saved through our services especially on large transfers* or small regular overseas payments. We charge no fees for transfers over £5000 and regular transfers are also fee-free.


You will wonder how businesses like our own make money if you are saving so much? This is simple, we buy £2bn worth of foreign exchange each year so we are able to purchase our currency at wholesale rates. We pass on most of these savings to you, retaining a small margin for ourselves. We guarantee to always beat the banks on exchange rates.


Transferring your funds overseas is very straightforward with Currencies Direct. We process 220 000 payments a year so we have the expertise to make payments swiftly and painlessly. As soon as we receive your funds, we send out the payment immediately to the bank account details you have provided. We send payments to bank accounts in 50 countries and trade in 45 different currencies giving you a wide choice of where you can make transfers.


Working as a specialist broker gives us the advantage of finding the best rates for you and offering you a more personal service, we have numerous solutions that can be tailored to meet your needs. Once you have registered for our service you will receive a personal dealer who will handle your foreign exchange payments, their  job is to ensure you receive the best rates as well as giving you the option of buying the rate now or when it meets a target set by you and the dealer. The dealer will discuss with you the best option for your needs. You can make international transfers by speaking to your dealer and agreeing a contract or you can use our online system iPayFX.  


Currencies Direct offer a wide range of services to assist you with your international payments. The bottom line is – your best interests are our focus.


Written by Karl Sieha,  Currencies Direct


*Currencies Direct can typically save clients up to three per cent of the overall amount of money being transferred compared to mainstream banks. And, unlike most other exchanges, it does not charge a commission and waives its transaction fee on deals above £5,000.